You are on the Elster4Konsens test environment

Logo Mein Unternehmenskonto

Welcome to the registration for an ELSTER organization certificate!

Here you have the option of applying for an ELSTER organization certificate. ELSTER organization certificates can be used both for Mein ELSTER and for Login via Mein Unternehmenskonto. After registering, you will receive your ELSTER certificate file* with which you can access your user account.

Here's how

1. registration

Submit personal data and receive activation data

The tax office will send you activation data by e-mail and by mail.

2. download certificate

Download certificate on ELSTER

You enter your activation data and receive your certificate file as a download.

3. login

Log in to ELSTER and your Unternehmenskonto with the certificate file

Now you can log in with your certificate file.

*If you want to use the ELSTER organization certificates for Login via Mein Unternehmenskonto, you will find here further information.
You can find further Login options and registration types at here.