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ELSTER transfer: data exchange and provision of documents

The ELSTER transfer procedure is aimed at special organizations such as municipalities, chambers, universities, regional associations, banks, authorities, institutions or Service providers. ELSTER enables these users to exchange certain data electronically with the tax authorities (partners) and to post documents (such as notices or notifications) to users' mailboxes.

Further information can be found in the Introduction to ELSTER transfer.


To use ELSTER transfer, the following requirements must be met:

The ELSTER transfer functionalities in "Mein ELSTER" are browser-based. The supported Browsers and operating systems are shown on the following page:

ELSTER transfer application

The ELSTER transfer application is the actual successor application to ElsterFT with a complete range of functions. It was developed for use with Windows 10 and Ubuntu Linux 20 with OpenJDK 11.

An executable AdoptOpenJDK 11 is supplied as part of the ELSTER transfer application. A prerequisite is the use of a 64-bit operating system.

Hardware recommendations for operation on a workstation (Single User):

  • 10GB free hard disk space
  • 4GB working memory
  • powerful 64-bit CPU
  • When using the graphical user interface: current Browser (see system requirements of Mein ELSTER)

The hardware requirements for operation as a server application (multiple users, use of the REST API) depend on the number of simultaneous accesses to the application and the volume of files retrieved/transmitted/provided. Depending on the volume structure, these can differ significantly from Single User operation.

To use ELSTER Transfer, you need an ELSTER organization account. This is an account with which you can register as an organization in Mein ELSTER.

Various forms of authentication are available for logging in. The certificate file is required to use ELSTER-Transfer. It is not possible to use ELSTER-Transfer with a security stick, a signature card or an ID card.

Separate organizational account recommended

We recommend that you create a separate organizational account only for the purpose of exchanging data with the tax authorities.

If you do not yet have one, you can follow the instructions at

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Once you have successfully logged in with your authority's organizational account, you can access the application forms for data exchange with the tax authorities.

A procedure involves certain types of data, the content and structure of which is agreed between the two data exchange partners. For example, the data collection of property tax information is a separate procedure, as is trade tax. Please note that you are not authorized to use all of the 70 or so procedures available. The ELSTER partner in your federal state will therefore check whether you are authorized to participate in the respective data exchange procedure once your application has been accepted. In order for you to be able to transfer data, your authority or the HKR manufacturers you have entrusted with this must be activated for data exchange by ELSTER.

You can find the service for exchanging data with the tax authorities in "My ELSTER" in the "Forms & services" section.

Please be sure to observe requirement 4 and only apply for procedures for which the technical requirements are met!

Supported procedures, listed by partner

Country-specific information and notes

Please note that the partners' data centers only provide raw data for data collection procedures, which must be prepared and processed using external software. Before using ELSTER transfer procedures, users must check (if necessary in cooperation with the software provider) whether the specialist procedure can process the electronically provided data. The data centers do not provide notices (or similar) as PDF or in other plain text formats! Please only apply for procedures for which the technical requirements are met!


One exception to this is procedural applications for data in accordance with the 2019 GrStRefG, as there is an obligation to collect the data electronically. The processing in the tax offices and the dispatch of the property tax base data for the participating municipalities began with the acceptance of declarations from July 1, 2022. This property tax base data is stored for up to 138 months after provision to the participating municipalities for initial collection. After the initial collection, the data can be downloaded again as often as required within 60 days(but at least until 31.12.2024).

"My ELSTER" and the ELSTER transfer application

ELSTER Transfer was implemented in two parts, in "Mein ELSTER" (Internet portal) and as a platform-independent ELSTER Transfer application (Java-based) with a web interface. In this way, two different user groups are supported when using the file transfer functionalities (data transfer, data retrieval and document provision).

In order to meet the different requirements of organizations, there is a solution for basic users and one for "power users":

  • Convenient file transfer functions are offered in "Mein ELSTER" for occasional use with a small transfer volume. Additional software does not need to be installed for this user group. It is not possible to transfer documents to users' mailboxes.
  • For large file exchanges, periodic data retrieval, offering interfaces for third-party programs, etc., the installation and use of the platform-independent ELSTER transfer application is provided. This is the recommended solution for standard and "power" Users. It can also be used to transfer documents to users' mailboxes.

In the overview, you can see which functions are offered by both applications and which are only offered by one of the two applications. It is important to note that Mein ELSTER is the only way to register for data exchange.

Basic functionsMy ELSTERELSTER transfer application
Receiving data from the tax authorities

(max. 20MB)


Sending data to the tax authorities

(max. 20MB)


Sending messages or notifications to users' mailboxes--


Display of the status of the transmitted notifications/notices--


AdvantagesMy ELSTERELSTER transfer application
Overview of all data provided



Can be used without installation



Convenient web interface



Use on server systems (also without graphical user interface)--


Creation of regular collection orders--


Data exchange via REST API--


Feedback on the status of provided documents via REST API--


Retrieve optional responses to provided documents--


Fast transfer of files via automatic file import interface--


News on ELSTER transfer

  • Version 24.07.1 was published on 01.10.2024.
  • In the pilot phase: the provision of the digital trade tax assessment in the mailbox of companies.

Download the ELSTER transfer application and manuals

You must first accept the license agreement before you can access the Download of the ELSTER transfer application and its manuals.